Giving to St. Aidan’s Questions and Answers

How are my gifts used at St. Aidan’s? Have you ever wondered how your gifts are used for God's service and glory?

WORSHIP 16% includes a large portion of clergy and staff cost, and all worship line items including Altar Guild, Choir, Sound, Hospitality, Ministries, Flowers, Sunday School, etc.

FACILITIES 32% includes the major portion of all building costs, a small portion of clergy and staff, accounting and legal expenses.

TAXES & INSURANCE 13% includes income tax, property and payroll taxes, mortgage interest and church insurance.

LOCAL OUTREACH 29% "shining His light to CU, Boulder" includes a small portion of facility cost, some clergy and staff cost, all campus expenses and designated funds, such as clergy discretionary funds, and in 2020, special fundraising during COVID to Sister Carmen Community Center Food Pantry.

WIDER OUTREACH 10% "and the world" includes pledges to Diocese, Front Range Region, National Church, Episcopal Relief and Development and a small portion of clergy cost.

Why not give as I can through the collection plate instead of making a promise or commitment? Your regular and planned giving reinforces the importance of God and St. Aidan’s in your life. Our commitments each year also provide the Vestry with an estimate of expected income essential to the preparation of our annual budget. We cannot operate and thrive without a reasonable estimate of our financial resources.

On the other hand, never let the plate pass you by, unless you forgot your wallet or purse that day. This is harder in the days when fewer people carry less cash than ever before, which is why text-to-give and online giving are helpful!

How much should I promise or give? The actual amount, of course, is entirely a personal decision. But, it should be grounded in your faith, love and commitment to God‘s work through St. Aidan’s. Your giving should not be an afterthought or casual decision. It requires reflection, prayer and priority.

Here is a short plan to grow in your giving (and also in your faith): First, begin giving. Second, if you do give - make a commitment or pledge. Third, if you pledge, strive to be a proportional giver which means committing to give a percentage of your income back to God. The average for charitable giving in the U.S. is between 2-3% of annual income. Fourth and lastly, if you do give proportionally, tithe. Intentionally increase the proportion of your Christian giving until you reach the Biblical standard of 10%.

Is my giving confidential? Yes. The Rector, Treasurer, and the staff person assigned with recording gifts are the only ones who see the forms and giving. From time to time, St. Aidan’s will publish an alphabetical list of all who have pledged, with a provision for those who choose to remain anonymous. This list is intended to celebrate and thank those who have pledged. Donation amounts will never be shown!

What if my situation changes and I cannot fulfill my commitment? We understand that life’s circumstances do change - often unexpectedly. In this case, please alert the clergy, so that we can offer spiritual care and change our records accordingly.