Welcome to St. Aidan’s!


Sunday Worship Schedule

8am Zoom Morning Prayer

For the Zoom link, see the church’s public calendar or email.

10am Holy Eucharist In-Person with Music

Individual Healing Prayer is available during the 10am service after receiving Communion.

The nursery is in the east hallway, through the Fireplace Lounge.

We have plenty of parking in our large parking lot
Just park and join us for worship.


Welcome to St. Aidan’s. We are a church of ancient tradition, warm community, and meaningful service. Through our worship and our community life, we support each other so that we might serve and share the Gospel, the way of love, with the world around us.

When you look around at St. Aidan’s, you will see and find a diverse community that includes people of all ages and many different backgrounds. Some have found the Episcopal Church as adults, some were raised in this congregation, and all have found it to be a whole and life-giving spiritual home. You’ll see retirees, families with children, students and grad students, faculty, singles, and more. You are welcome here, no matter what religious or spiritual background you come from or no religious background.

What we have in common is Jesus. We give thanks that the grace of God enables us to meet together and transcend our differences, receive the sacrament of love at God’s table, and then be sent out to do the work God has given us to do.

Our congregation is fully LBGTQ+ affirming. LGBTQ+ people are welcome to participate fully in our communal life and may take on leadership positions, be married, and receive all the means of grace available to all members of the community.

There is a place for everyone at God’s table. Welcome.


Bread+Belonging Ministry
Are you a CU Student?
Learn about Bread+Belonging dinners and events.

Weekday Parking Available at St. Aidan’s
we are sold out for the ‘24/’25 year.

Click to hear recent sermons by St. Aidan’s clergy and guests.