Give Online
Please use the dropdown menu (click on the arrow ) to choose which type of gift you are making:
General Fund Giving to Annual Giving/Pledge
Discretionary Fund (Clergy Fund to help the poor and needy)
Veteran Scholarships (Designated)
Music Fund (Designated)
Campus Ministry (Designated)
Altar Flowers
Memorial Gift (please include a memo with the name of the person in whose memory you are giving)
You’ll be invited to make this a recurring or one-time payment. You will always be able to change recurring donations before they happen on the date you set.
From time to time, there will be special campaigns to raise funds for special projects. Those will have their own forms for giving and making a commitment.
Please also take the time to set up a Realm login to use, which will allow church members to see your giving at anytime, and to access other parts of our membership and online community, such as looking up a person to send them a note or email, or accessing groups and ministries. For more information about how to get a Realm login, email
You may always give without setting up a Realm account. However, with a Realm account (for church members) you’ll be able to see your information, look up your giving, and be a part of St. Aidan’s online community. It’s easy and secure.