Food for Bread+Belonging

On Tuesday nights, 20-30 students gather for a weekly meal and conversation. Those meals are provided by the friends and supporters of Lutheran Campus Ministry and St. Aidan’s Episcopal Church. We need your help to feed students. Below, you can sign up to bring a dish, ingredients, or groceries for one of our Tuesday night meals.

Please click on a link on upcoming Tuesday dates to sign up to bring items for our Bread+Belonging Dinner. Sign up for as many or as few as you can bring, and please be sure that they are delivered to St. Aidan's kitchen by 2pm on that day. If you have questions, please email Miho Raabe, our Bread+Belonging Hospitality Manager. Thank you for helping feed students hungry for both Bread and Belonging!

Are you a CU Student? Complete this form to be contacted by one of the Campus Ministry Staff.