“Now quit your care and anxious fear and worry;
for schemes are vain and fretting brings no gain.
Lent calls to prayer, to trust and dedication;
God brings beauty nigh.”
Wednesday Worship
7:30am Holy Eucharist
Holy Eucharist + Bible Study + Bagels & Coffee
Fridays in Lent
5pm Healing Prayer Service
5:30pm Stations of the Cross
Beginning March 7 at 5pm, gather for a Healing Prayer service. This service is a time when we can lift up our prayers and concerns in a space of hope and comfort. At 5:30pm, walk the Stations of the Cross, remembering Jesus’ love and sacrifice. This Lent, set aside time each Friday to come, pray, and find strength. All are welcome.
Lenten Quiet Day
Saturday, April 5, 9am-1pm
Donate what you can to cover food costs - including $0.
Please plan to attend a reflective Lenten Quiet Day centered on themes of fasting, study, and prayer. Our time together will include a blend of structured prayer, teaching, quiet reflection, and contemplative fellowship.
The day’s rhythm will include exploring the Bible passages. The quiet day will give space for spiritual renewal with options for silent prayer, journaling or artistic creation, contemplative walks, and group sharing.
What to Expect:
Morning Prayer to open the day
Guided quiet blocks with options for prayer, journaling, contemplation, and walking
Lunch to share in fellowship
Eucharist to close the time together
Donate what you can to cover food costs - including $0.
Questions? Call the church office (303-443-2503) or email Mother Amanda.
Thoughts on a Lenten Rule
by Fr. Steve Wengrovius, Priest Associate
For centuries, Christians have kept a Lenten Rule as a way to prepare their hearts and souls for Easter. Rather than a rigid set of obligations, a Lenten Rule is an intentional framework for prayer, fasting, and self-denial that helps re-establish Godly priorities and deepen our awareness of God’s love. Fr. Steve Wengrovius reflects on how crafting a Lenten Rule can shape our spiritual growth and draw us closer to Christ.
Bible (and Book) Study: The Difficult Words of Jesus
Join Mother Amanda for a six-session Bible study. We will engage with Scripture, watch short video teachings from the author, and reflect on what these challenging sayings mean to us today. You're encouraged to read the book chapter (about 12 pages a week) before the session, but no pre-reading is required. Have your Bible with you and a willingness to wrestle with the hard things Jesus said together.
Each session meets on Zoom on Mondays, 5:30-7:00pm. Attend just one session or several! This Bible Study is only being offered synchronously (no recording) because conversation is key.
February 24, 5:30pm, Sell What You Own
March 3, 5:30pm, Hate Father and Mother
March 10, 5:30pm, Slave of All
March 17, 5:30pm, Nowhere Among the Gentiles
No session over CU's spring break!
March 31, 5:30pm, Outer Darkness
April 7, 5:30pm, Your Father, the Devil
A Faithful Exploration of AI & Christian Ethics
at Coffee Hour on Sundays in Lent
Artificial Intelligence (AI) refers to computer systems designed to perform tasks that typically require human intelligence, such as learning, decision-making, and language processing. No longer a distant concept, AI is now part of daily life: shaping industries, influencing public discourse, and raising complex ethical questions. How does faith guide us to grapple with the ethics of AI?
St. Aidan’s Episcopal Church invites you to a five-week Coffee Hour series exploring the intersection of AI and Christian Ethics. We will look at Scripture, have conversations, and hear a case study: AI’s role in journalism and communication. We will consider how to uphold truth, compassion, and justice in an AI-driven world. Join a timely conversation about living faithfully in a world transformed by AI.
Grappling with AI through Scripture - March 9
Foundations of Ethics - March 16
Applying Christian Ethics to AI - March 23
Case Study of AI and Media Communication Part 1 - March 30
Case Study of AI and Media Communication Part 2 - April 6
The week between Palm Sunday and Easter Day is a journey we take with Jesus through the moments of his passion, death, and resurrection. There is no week like this in our year, and it is worth taking your time to participate and come to services.
At 5:30pm on Good Friday, we’ll have a special time with kids to observe, in a kid-friendly way, the moments of Holy Week. This will take less than an hour. Grownups are welcome, too.
Palm Sunday, April 13
8am Morning Prayer on Zoom
10am Holy Eucharist
Monday in Holy Week, April 14
12pm Holy Eucharist
Tuesday in Holy Week, April 15
12pm Holy Eucharist
Wednesday in Holy Week, April 16
7am Holy Eucharist + Bible Study
12pm Holy Eucharist
Maundy Thursday, April 17
5:30pm Foot Washing and Holy Eucharist
Watch in the Chapel and Zoom Prayer
Signups will be available in the parish hall in April.
Good Friday, April 18
12pm Good Friday Liturgy
5:30pm Holy Week with Kids
Holy Saturday, April 19
9am Holy Saturday Service
7:30pm The Great Vigil
Easter Sunday, April 20
8am Morning Prayer on Zoom
10am Holy Eucharist