Bread+Belonging is a free, weekly Tuesday night meal for students at
St. Aidan’s Episcopal Church (across from the Engineering Center, plenty of parking).

Dinner and Conversation — 6:00 7:00pm
Compline prayer service in the Chapel — 7:00-7:10 pm

Always a veggie option. LGBTQ+ affirming. No religious demands. Just food and people.

We affirm the worth and dignity of all persons and their gender identity, race, and sexual orientation.

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finding friendships and faith in a changing world

The Bread+Belonging Tuesday night meal is open to all university students. Our students come from all kinds of denominations and backgrounds, and some have no faith experience.

We know this: coming together in a community to enjoy each other is a grounding and life-giving part of any college experience. We hope you’ll join us.

Our weekly Bread+Belonging gathering is our main event, including dinner, dessert, and fellowship on Tuesday evenings. Sometimes, we just share dinner. Other days, we might host conversations on advocacy, faith, anti-racism, and current events.

Students are always invited to be involved in St. Aidan’s parish in worship or at any event. Students who gravitate toward Lutheran worship have a number of local congregations to choose from, too! Regardless of your faith, all students hungry for a meal and for a place to be known and loved are welcome.

Bread+Belonging Campus Ministry

Meet Your Campus Chaplain

In January 2025, Pastor Monica Butler became your Campus Chaplain. She leads the Bread+Belonging Campus Ministry partnership between St. Aidan's and Lutheran Campus Ministry (LCM).

Pr. Monica is a graduate of Pacific Lutheran Theological Seminary (M.Div) and holds degrees in Art History from the University of Colorado, Boulder (B.A.) and the University of California, Davis (M.A.). She served as The Rev. Dr. John S. Damm Pastoral Intern at Saint Peter’s Church, New York City, and has worked with campus and parish ministries in Northern Colorado. Before seminary, she taught community college art history and worked in education at art museums in Santa Fe, NM, and San Francisco, CA. 

Pr. Monica is committed to cultivating communities of courage, faith, and belonging that embody God’s transforming love in the world. She is passionate about connecting sacred stories to the realities of our lives and nurturing leadership and authentic relationships among young adults. She loves road cycling, making giant pots of soup, and curling up with a good novel. 

About B+B History

Bread+Belonging is a partnership of the Lutheran Campus Ministry and St. Aidan's Episcopal Church. The goal of the partnership is to provide Word, Sacrament, and Christian hospitality to the tens of thousands of students, faculty, staff, and others attending the University of Colorado Boulder.

St. Aidan’s parish was founded as a student ministry in 1948 to serve and seek God on the CU campus. It has evolved from that original idea and has been a central part of our life. In 2008, we partnered with Lutheran Campus Ministry to create a weekly dinner on Tuesday nights for all students. Bread+Belonging was the original name given to this gathering, and now it is commonly used to refer to our combined campus ministry.

Annual events

Student Preaching Lab Sermon on June 9, 2024 by B+B Student Ben Nelson for Proper 5B, Gospel Mark 3:20-35 about the gift of working together for a common good.

  • In the Fall, we host an annual Welcome Back Students event with the Sweet Cow Mobile Food Truck. We’re excited to say hi. FREE ICE CREAM!

  • The first weekly dinner is the first week of classes in the Fall and Spring Semesters.

  • Dinner every week on Tuesday at 6:00pm when CU is in session.

  • During Fall and Spring Exam Week, we provide simple dinners, also at 6:00pm.

  • The Student Preaching Lab, where students visit local congregations and share about B+B, takes place in the first half of the spring semester.

St. Aidan’s Statement on Inclusion

Our congregation is fully LBGTQ+ affirming. LGBTQ+ people are welcome and invited to participate fully in our communal life, take on leadership positions, be married, and receive all the means of grace available to all members of the community.

Clockwise from top left:
2024 - 4 of our 6 Graduates in May; 2024- Mardi Gras and B+B in February; 2019 - Backpacking El Camino in Spain; 2017 - Leadership Training Retreat Hike; 2018 - Students travel to Holden Village on Spring Break; 2024 - a B+B Tuesday Night Dinner gets under way.

Contact us to learn more.

M. Mary Kate Réjouis, Rector & Chaplain

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