Giving and Generosity Overview
“You will be enriched in every way to be generous in every way, which through us will produce thanksgiving to God.” 2 Corinthians 9:11 (ESV)
Together, St. Aidan’s parishioners provide most of our annual budget through giving to the church. Without your generosity and gifts, St. Aidan’s would not exist.
In 2025, we ask all parishioners to fill out a paper pledge form and return to the church office, or in the Sunday plate. You can download a paper form with the button on the left. The online giving form can be used to make your financial pledge; the paper form has more information for our church records. Thanks!
Our commitment to you is that the resources you invest in the work of the church will be put to thoughtful and prayerful use and enable the creation of good works that will have far-reaching benefits throughout our communities, and especially our ministry to the campus of CU Boulder through Bread+Belonging.
What kinds of giving are there?
St. Aidan’s relies on your generosity to carry out its mission and ministries. Each year we are responsible for raising 100% of our annual budget from parishioner giving (pledge commitments), income received in the weekly offering, and parking income managed by staff & volunteers. A pledge is simply your intention to give for the upcoming year. Online, you can set up your gifts to be paid electronically at your desired frequency (weekly, monthly, quarterly, annually) using a credit card, debit card, or ACH transfer. You can also give by text, check or cash (see the menu at the top left for Ways to Give).
What’s the difference between making an Annual Commitment or Pledge to give, and just giving? A COMMITMENT or pledge is a promise to give a certain amount to the church in a given period (usually a year). A GIFT is any contribution made to St. Aidan’s. Commitments or pledges are fulfilled by gifts, either regularly, such as weekly or monthly, or one time. Our annual budgeting is based on commitments received, which is why we ask for annual commitments every year from parishioners. We need your thoughtful, faithful, careful giving throughout the year.
Holy living and holy dying are, in a sense, the same acts and actions--we begin and end in God. Faithful followers of Jesus will make an effort, in their earthly lives, to “...make wills, while they are in health, arranging for the disposal of their temporal goods, not neglecting, if they are able to leave bequests for religious and charitable uses.” (The Book of Common Prayer 445)
The making of a legacy includes planning, the assistance of legal counsel, and letting the church and clergy know. Please talk to M. Mary Kate Rejouis about how to do this in order to become a member of the St. Aidan Legacy Society
Gifts of Thanksgiving are often one-time gifts to the General Fund given in thanksgiving for God, often in celebration of a life event. Thanksgiving gifts can be made when celebrating a birth, marriage, promotion at work, or when receiving an unexpected gift yourself.
Memorial Gifts are given in memory or honor of a loved one, often after their death. Memorial gifts can be designated for a specific purpose or at the discretion of the clergy and/or vestry. To make a Memorial Gift please reach out to the Rev. Mary Kate Rejouis at
Capital Gifts are funds collected for capital improvements or projects, often related to the physical building or property of the church. Capital Campaigns or Fundraisers can vary in size from several thousand dollars to several million dollars. Commitments or pledges may also be made for Capital Projects, and can be payable over more than a year.
You can donate stocks (for any type of gift, whether pledge, memorial or other) via the Colorado Episcopal Foundation web page, Print out the gift instructions, designate “St. Aidan’s Episcopal Church, Boulder” as the receiving institution, and add any specific instructions on the purpose line, i.e. 2025 pledge. Send the form to, your stock broker, and to
What should I consider when making a gift?
Pray. We are part of the St. Aidan’s community because of our love and commitment to Jesus Christ, and to following Jesus’s way of love. Ask God to guide you in your generosity.
Your life’s blessings. Your commitment and generosity should be given with gratitude and joy for all we’ve received in our lives, and with knowledge that generosity gives life. Giving allows us to share our blessings more broadly than we can do on our own.
Why is St. Aidan’s important to you? Is it our worship, our liturgy, our presence on campus? Is it the comfort and blessing you both give and receive in being in a community of faith? Is it our music, our prayers, our laughter together?
Why give first to St. Aidan’s and not another “charity”? We all give to worthy causes and trust the work they will do through our giving. As your spiritual home, what you give at St. Aidan’s empowers you and others to do work in God’s name. Your generous and regular commitment to St. Aidan’s is a statement that our ministry is received from generations in the past and will continue long past our own lives.
Challenge yourself. Making a pledge commitment and giving is about trusting that God will take care of us. Explore deeply what you need, and how you can be of service to others. Say yes to taking risks for God.
Every pledge and gift matters. St. Aidan’s does not receive funds from any source other than our life together. Local congregations fund the Diocese and the Episcopal Church, not the other way around (which is a common misperception). Every gift you give matters, and will be used to share the love of God.